Monday, February 21, 2022

Global Perspectives on Housing Finance


Revised posting, March 31, 2022

Recently I taught several guest lectures on "Global Perspectives on Housing Finance, at USC (thanks to Richard Green!), at Rutgers (thanks to Morris Davis!) and at Connecticut (thanks to Alex Van de Minne!)

In each of the classes we covered a brief tour d'horizon of global economies and housing markets, and some basic comparisons of housing finance systems hither and yon.  Part of the class was devoted to some global risks faced by real estate investors in the U.S. and elsewhere, including but not limited to COVID.  In the USC class we spent some time on Evergrande and the risks in China's housing markets; at Rutgers and Connecticut, we spend significant time on possible fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine (though we started pre-invasion).  Since the Connecticut class was most recent, and there's a lot of overlap across classes, I'm posting that version here.  (The major topic missing is the earlier discussion of China).

Soon after the Rutgers class met, Russia did invade.  I've updated a few of the slides, but I've made no attempt to keep up with the ongoing invasion.  I do provide suggestions for reliable sources on those ongoing events.

These collections are slightly revised versions of the Connecticut presentation. I make these slides available as a public good: feel free to use any of them in your own classes or presentations.  

I recommend the PPT version because it includes notes on many of the slides and more links to original sources.  PDF is included for those who don't have access to PowerPoint and/or a hard drive.

Download revised class slides in PowerPoint (with notes; 83MB)

Download the slides in PDF (no notes; 11MB)

If you are downloading the larger file, I recommend doing a "save as" to your hard disk, then open in PowerPoint. Google Docs doesn't handle these files well.

Comments and corrections are welcome, as always.

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