On September 7-8, 2022, in Bethesda MD: The Way Forward Housing Coalition organized a conference to review the economic and social benefits of well-functioning housing markets, and how to chart a better path forward in emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs). I was pleased to help the organizing committee flesh out the program, and honored to give the wrap-up presentation at the end of the conference.
The organizing committee included Richard Green and Marilyn Ellis of the USC's Lusk Center for Real Estate, Arthur Acolin of the University of Washington, Marja Hoek-Smit of the Wharton School and HOFINET, Monica Rashkin, Patrick McAllister and Patrick Kelley of Habitat for Humanity's Terwilliger Center, and Malaika Cheney-Coker, formerly with Habitat and now with Ignited Word.
Details of Housing's Contribution to Economic Development – Reframing the Narrative can be found here, including the conference program, information on the speakers, conference partners, and some online resources including useful readings on the subject.
The proceedings were recorded, and you can find them on YouTube: Day 1, and Day 2.
These slides are based on my wrap-up comments for the conference, revised and extended. They are in PowerPoint, and many of the slides have discussion and links in the notes section below the slides. There are a list of references in the notes to one of the slides near the end of the deck.
My comments and these slides were inspired and informed by my colleagues’ presentations, but they are not a comprehensive summary of all the lessons of the conference. There is much more to be learned, and discussed, about each of the topics. As always, feel free to use any of these slides in your own teaching or other non-profit endeavors. Comments and corrections to these are always welcome.
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